Khadijah Adams - Girl Get That Money
Khadijah Adams is the founder of "Girl Get That Money" a business empowerment coaching and consultancy movement. An Entrepreneur and Investor, Khadijah's goal is to empower women in business by providing them with the resources and tools needed to help them become successful. Whether you're in the Startup phase of your business, or you're ready to take your business to the next level, Khadijah's your girl! She believes that no two women are alike and that one size does not fit all. Khadijah offers a variety of empowerment coaching packages, business tools, and other services that are customized based on the needs of her clients. Her mission is to help women design and execute a plan of action that helps them gain clarity, set new goals, get focused on their vision, and define their mission. You can learn more about Khadijah Adams here.