Josephine & Billie’s - Ebony Andersen

Ebony Andersen has over 15 years of experience as a land-use professional. She routinely works with special interest groups and legislative lobbyists on environmentally controversial or politically sensitive projects, including medicinal and adult-use cannabis programs in the Los Angeles region. Andersen has managed several dozen cannabis projects, including cultivation sites, extensive manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, retail locations in California, and consulted on projects in Washington, Oklahoma, and Nevada. She is known for helping operators convert their traditional or start-up cannabis businesses into fully functional, compliant operations. Her knowledge, expertise, and work ethic have dubbed her the "Olive Pope" of planning because she can execute complicated and convoluted projects when others cannot. Andersen enjoys entrepreneurship. It's natural to see her working on policy projects, managing construction, functioning as an executive, securing cannabis licenses, and chairing a school board committee--all in one day! She credits her success to a non-traditional home life where her husband is a stay-at-home-dad who doubles as an office assistant. As she puts it, "He manages my life, while I manage everyone else's." Each day, Andersen lives the #BossLife she used to dream of, demonstrating that women indeed can have it all. When she's not working, she enjoys solving her son's riddles and taking family trips to Disneyland. To learn more about Josephine & Billie's visit @josephineandbillies


420 NJ Events - Brendon Robinson and Stanley Okoro


Cleveland School of Cannabis - Tyrone Russell & Kevin Greene